Figure 7
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- ZDB-FIG-220131-36
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- Westphal et al., 2022 - Wnt/β-catenin signaling promotes neurogenesis in the diencephalospinal dopaminergic system of embryonic zebrafish
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Heat shock induced Dkk1b overexpression affects hypothalamic DC5 and DC6 DA neurons in a stage dependent manner. (a–s) Expression of DA neuron marker th as detected by WISH in WT embryos and heterozygous transgenic Tg(hsp70l:dkk1b-GFP) siblings after heat-shock treatment as indicated on the left side of each pair of images, and subsequently fixed at 80 hpf (a–l) or 36 hpf (m–t). Dorsal views, images are Z-projections of image stacks. The arrowheads in (d), (f) and (h) point at a decrease in th expression in DC5 and DC6 DA neuron groups. Scale bars in (b) for (a–l) and in (n) for (m–t) are 100 µm. Numbers N/N in bottom right corner of each image indicate number of representative phenotypes as shown in image versus total embryos analyzed for this condition. |