Cellular masses are disorganized and partially differentiated towards lens fiber fate. (A–H) Single confocal planes of eyes from normal (A,A’,C,E,G) and plod3vu222/vu222 (B,B’,D,F,H) embryos labeled (red) for ZO-1 (A,A’,B,B’), Pax6 (C,D), Prox1 (E,F) and Aq0 (G,H). Nuclei (DAPI) are blue. A’ and B’ are higher magnifications of the regions marked by rectangles in A and B, respectively. Areas of cellular masses are encircled by white lines in D,F,H. Arrows in A point at the ALE and in C at Prox1-positive differentiating lens fiber cells. Insets in C and D show only the Pax6 channel in the region of the ALE and cell mass, respectively. Ages of embryos are demarcated on panels. Number of eyes imaged from two repetitions of the experiments are: A = 9, B = 14, C = 7, D = 11, E = 6, F = 19, G = 15, H = 17. L, lens. Scale bars are 20 μm.