pax6-expressing progenitors are not increased in chronic hyperglycemia. Tg(pax6b:dsRed) labeled cells (magenta) in the INL (a,b) and the CMZ (e,f) in 3 mpf control and pdx1−/− mutant retinas. Proliferating cells are labeled through EdU incorporation (green). In 6 mpf controls (c,g) and pdx1−/− mutants (d,h), pax6b:dsRed expression was not observed in the central area of the retina and was limited to few cells in the CMZ. In situ hybridization for pax6a stained cells in the basal portion of INL in the central area of the retina (i–l) and in the CMZ (i′–l′) in controls (i,i′,k,k′) and pdx1−/− mutants (j,j′,l,l′) at 3 mpf and 6 mpf. Scale bar: 50 µm. (GC, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer).