Figure 6

Ali et al., 2021 - Met is required for oligodendrocyte progenitor cell migration in Danio rerio
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Figure 6

sox10:DNmet reduces OPC migration at 55 hpf. (A) Schematic of Met receptor showing site-specific mutations converting adenines (A) to thymines (T) resulting in amino acid changes of tyrosines (Y) to phenylalanines (F). (B) Diagram of amino acid substitutions in docking site tyrosines created using site-directed mutagenesis. (C) Diagram of developing neural tube showing sox10 turns on in pre-migratory OPCs around 36 hpf and olig1 turns on in migratory OPCs around 60 hpf. (D) Schematic of DNmet constructs showing DNmet is driven by either a sox10 or olig1 promoter and includes IRES:GFP coding sequence. (E) Lateral (upper) and optical section (lower) views of Sox10 antibody labeled 55 hpf wildtype, sox10:DNmet, and olig1:DNmet larvae. Horizontal yellow line denotes location of orthogonal view shown below. Blue open arrowheads denote ventral OPCs. Purple open arrowheads denote pMN domain OPCs. Yellow dashed line denotes ventral edge of the spinal cord. Yellow dashed circle denotes spinal cord boundary. (F–K) Quantifications taken from images of 55 hpf Sox10 antibody labeled wildtype (n = 10), sox10DN:met (n = 8), and olig1:DNmet (n = 12) zebrafish spinal cords. Mean with SEM. Statistical test: one-way ANOVA with Tukeys’s Multiple Comparison Test. Scale bar, 20 μm.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Long-pec

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage: Long-pec

Phenotype Detail
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