Rab5C is required for sprouting angiogenesis in vivo. a Maximum projections of z-stacks obtained by confocal microscopy showing ISV formation in transgenic Tg(kdrl:GFP)s843 zebrafish embryos stably expressing mCherry-WT-Rab5C (top) or mCherry-DN-Rab5C (bottom). Scale bars, 40 μm. b (top) ISV formation was scored as indicated, (bottom) graph show the results of a representative experiment. Percentages were calculated per embryo (mCherry-WT-Rab5C: N = 10 embryos, n = 72 ISVs; mCherry-DN-Rab5C: N = 12 embryos, n = 88 ISVs). Statistical significance indicates DLAV and ‘half’ phenotypes compared to mCherry-WT-Rab5C. c Maximum projections of z-stacks obtained by confocal microscopy showing ISV formation in Tg(kdrl:GFP)s843 zebrafish embryos injected with Control or rab5c ATG MO (top), Control or rab5c e2i2 MO (middle), or rab5c+/+ versus rab5cmu229/mu229 embryos (bottom). Scale bars, 40 μm. d ISV development (top) as well as average sprout length (bottom) were scored for the indicated conditions at 30–32 hpf (6–10 embryos were analyzed per condition, with 6–8 ISVs per embryo). Statistically significant differences in DLAV and ‘half’ phenotypes, compared to Control MO or rab5c+/+, are indicated