Bmp signaling to maxillary neural crest regulates the expression of gata3.(A-D) Lateral views with anterior to the left of 36 hpf gata3 in situ hybridization black arrows point to maxillary crest that will give rise to trabeculae; white arrows mark the ear. (A-B) Embryos from a smad5 clutch. (A) Wild type embryo showing strong expression of gata3 in maxillary trabeculae precursors. (B) Mutant embryo showing loss of gata3 expression in trabeculae precursors. (C-D) Embryos from a hsp:DN-Bmpr1a clutch. (C) No heat shock embryo arrowhead indicates gata3 expression in maxillary precursors. (D) Embryo heat shocked at 24 hpf arrowhead indicates loss of gata3 expression in maxillary CNCC. (E-G) Confocal images of Bmp responsive cells (green, cytoplasmic) and CNCC (red, membrane tagged), lateral views with anterior to the left at 24 hpf. Arrow points to Bmp responsive maxillary neural crest cells.