Dynamic expression of gata3 in maxillary neural crest cells.(A-D) Lateral views, anterior to the left, of gata3 in situ hybridization. (A) At 22 hpf, gata3 is expressed in the head in brain (black arrow), ear (e) and what is likely to be endoderm (*). (B) By 24 hpf, gata3 expression domains include cranial neural crest cells, which contain the trabeculae precursors (white arrowheads), the brain and neurons. (C) At 26 hpf expression continues in all previously expressing tissues. The white arrowheads indicate the cranial neural crest cells that give rise to trabeculae. (D) At 48 hpf expression begins to be down regulated in the developing palate. (E-G) RNA Scope V2 whole mount in situ hybridization at 36 hpf; white arrowheads bracket the trabeculae precursors. (E) Expression of pdgfra in cranial neural crest cells. (F) Expression of gata3 in maxillary cranial neural crest cells that will give rise to trabeculae. (G) The overlap of of pdgfra and gata3 in trabeculae precursors.