ATAC-Seq of zebrafish melanoma tumors identifies peak5 as an active neural crest enhancer.a Schematic for obtaining zebrafish melanoma tumor cells for ATAC-Seq. b Regions of open chromatin surrounding the sox10 locus. Peak numbers are annotated below. MP minimal promoter. c Schematic for screening putative enhancers for activity in NCCs and melanoma. dpeak5-driven EGFP expression is mosaically present in NCCs (arrowheads) in F0 injected embryos, as indicated by co-localization with crestin:mch at 1 dpf. e The sox10 minimal promoter in F0 embryos is active in both NCCs (arrowheads) and the CNS (asterisk). f F0 embryos injected with a negative control (~76 kb upstream of the sox10 TSS) exhibit only limited expression of EGFP not localized to NCCs. Insets show enlarged region above yolk extension.