Fig 6

Nunley et al., 2020 - Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation
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Fig 6

Cone mosaic formation is minimally disrupted in Red cone mutant but is significantly disrupted in UV cone mutant.

(A) Cross-section of wild-type retina in which immunostaining of Red cone opsin labels Red cones. White arrow indicates approximate location of precolumn area [40]. (B) Cross-section of trβ2 mutant in which immunostaining of Red cone opsin labels Red cones. Note absence of differentiated Red cones. White arrow indicates approximate location of precolumn area. (C) Apical plane of wild-type cone mosaic lattice in retinal flat-mount in which anti-ZO-1 stains cell profiles. UV cones are indicated in the inset. (D) Apical plane of cone mosaic in retinal flat-mount from trβ2 mutant, which lacks Red cones. Anti-ZO-1 stains cell profiles. UV cones (indicated in inset) identified based on large, rounded profiles. The triangular lattice of UV cones is minimally disrupted in absence of Red cones. (E) Apical plane of cones in retinal flat-mount from tbx2b mutant, which lacks UV cones. The cone mosaic is disrupted in this mutant.

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