exosc8 and exosc9 homozygous mutant zebrafish develop craniofacial abnormalities.(A) Alcian blue staining in 5-dpf wild-type, exosc8 homozygous mutant, and exosc9 homozygous mutant zebrafish embryos. Scale bar: 500 μm. (B, C, D) Length of ceratohyal, (C) angle of ceratohyal, and (D) distance from Meckel’s cartilage to the ceratohyal in exosc8 homozygous mutant and exosc9 homozygous mutant zebrafish embryos. (B, C, D) 13 control, 18 exosc8 (c.26_27del), and 14 exosc9 (c.198_208del) homozygous larvae were measured for the quantification in (B, C, D). Error bars represent the standard error (±SEM), and statistical analysis was performed using unpaired t tests (exosc8 versus wt and exosc9 versus wt, respectively). The difference between mutant and wt is not significant where no P-value is given. Abbreviations: CH, ceratohyal; M, Meckel’s cartilage.