ACh induces more pronounced AP effects in S81Lhomo compared to WT human atrial myocytes in computer simulations. (A,B) APs elicited at 1 Hz (top panels) and associated IK,ACh (bottom panels) at baseline (dotted lines) and upon addition of 10 nmol l−1 ACh (solid lines) in WT (A) and S81Lhomo (B) human atrial myocytes. The horizontal double-headed arrow in panel A indicates the ACh-induced shortening of AP duration. The ‘wobbles’ in the time course of IK,ACh in panel B are caused by the N-shape of the IK,ACh current-voltage relationship (insets). The slanted arrows in the insets point to the IK,ACh reversal potential (EK) of −83.0 mV. (C,D) Shift in maximum diastolic potential (ΔMDP; C) and threshold stimulus current amplitude (D) at ACh concentrations ranging from 0.1 nmol l−1 to 1 µmol l−1. Note the logarithmic abscissa scale.