ACh induces more pronounced effects in S81Lhomo compared to WThuman SAN pacemaker cells in computer simulations. (A-C) Spontaneous APs (blue lines) and associated net membrane current (Inet, gray lines), hyperpolarization-activated ‘funny current’ (If, green lines) and IK,ACh (red lines) in a WT human SAN pacemaker cell at baseline (A), upon addition of 10 nmol l−1 ACh (B) and upon addition of 10 nmol l−1 ACh in the presence of XEN-R0703 (C). (D-F) Spontaneous APs and associated Inet, If and IK,ACh in an S81Lhomo human SAN pacemaker cell at baseline (D), upon addition of 10 nmol l−1 ACh (E) and upon addition of 10 nmol l−1 ACh in the presence of XEN-R0703 (F).