Cx43 null mice have reduced motile cilia in ECs.a, b The SCs of P1 pups with the indicated Cx43 genotype were cross-sectioned, double immunostained with anti-Cx43 and anti-ARL13B antibodies (a) or anti-Phospho-Cx43 (Ser386) antibody (b), and counterstained with DAPI. Asterisks indicate the central canal (CC). Images are oriented ventral to the bottom. Scale bars = 20 μm. c, d Quantifications of motile cilia per section in embryos in a and Cx43 signals per section in embyos in b. Mean ± SD. ***P < 0.001 and ****P < 0.0001 by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s HSD post hoc test (n = 3 mice per group; one frame per mouse). ns, not significant. e TEM of the SCs of P1 pups with the indicated Cx43 genotype. Arrowheads indicate cross-sectioned motile cilia protruding to the CC and arrow marks a cilium-like structure embedded in an EC. Regions marked by arrowheads or arrow are magnified in the respective lower panels. f The human spinal cord at C1 level from a cadaver was stained with anti-Cx43 and anti-acetylated-α-tubulin antibodies. The boxed areas are magnified in the respective lower panels. Arrowhead denotes staining of Cx43 and arrow motile cilia. Scale bar = 100 μm. g A proposed model for the maintenance of ependymal motile cilia by the Wnt-PLC-IP3-Connexin-Ca2+ axis.