Stiffness of the extracellular matrix of regenerating hearts.A–C, Bright field images of decellularized zebrafish hearts being analyzed by AFM at the myocardium away from the injury area. B'–C', Bright field images of decellularized zebrafish hearts being analyzed by AFM at the regenerating area. A, Control decellularized heart, B, B', 7 dpa decellularized hearts, C, C', 14 dpa decellularized heart. The triangular shape in A–C and B'–C' is the AFM cantilever. E, Young's modulus of the heart ECM of noninjured, 7 dpa, and 14 dpa hearts (n = 5 each). dpa, Days postamputation. Statistically significance was assessed with Man-Whitney test. *, p < 0.05.