Fig. 3.

Garcia-Puig et al., 2019 - Proteomics analysis of extracellular matrix remodeling during zebrafish heart regeneration
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Fig. 3.

Changes in ECM protein composition during heart regeneration.A, Heat-map for the 96 proteins detected across samples in zebrafish control decellularized hearts (Ctl) and at different time points of regeneration. The time points analyzed were 7 dpa, 14 dpa, and 30 dpa. Red indicates increased protein expression and blue indicates reduced protein expression. The ECM column indicates the ECM proteins in orange. Data are row scaled. B, Hierarchical clustering with bootstrap analysis of all the samples. AU, Approximately Unbiased p value; BP, Bootstrap Probability value. C–H, Gene expression assessment by real time qPCR of the ECM proteins significantly changing in the proteomic analysis during the regeneration process. fn1b, fibronectin 1b; postnb, periostin b; col5a1, collagen type 5 α1 chain; col4a2, collagen type 4 α2 chain; col5a2a, collagen type 5 α2a chain; fbn2b, fibrillin 2b. Significance was analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis followed by a Dunn's multiple comparisons test. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.

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