Fig. 5

Petersen et al., 2015 - The adhesion GPCR GPR126 has distinct, domain-dependent functions in Schwann cell development mediated by interaction with laminin-211
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Fig. 5

lama2 Knockdown Enhances gpr126 Hypomorphic Phenotype

(A–I) Dorsal views of mbp expression by WISH in 4 dpf larvae. Insets: magnification of the right PLLn. Control, injected with phenol red dye only; MO, lama2 morpholino-injected.

(A–C) Control-injected larvae.

(A) mbp expression is strong in the PLLn of a WT (gpr126+/+) larva. Arrows indicate the PLLn, and the arrowhead indicates the CNS.

(B) mbp in a heterozygous (gpr126+/st63) larva is indistinguishable from WT.

(C) mbp is reduced, but not absent, in the PLLn of a homozygous gpr126st63/st63 hypomorph.

(D–F) Larvae injected with low-dose (2.5 ng) lama2 MO.

(D) mbp is not disrupted in a gpr126+/+ larva.

(E) mbp is reduced in the PLLn of a heterozygous gpr126+/st63 larva relative to control-injected.

(F) mbp is further reduced in a gpr126st63/st63 larva.

(G–I) Larvae injected with high-dose (5 ng) lama2 MO.

(G) mbp is disrupted in both the CNS (arrowhead) and PLLn in a gpr126+/+ larva.

(H) mbp is further reduced in a heterozygous gpr126+/st63 larva.

(I) mbp is nearly absent in the PLLn of a gpr126st63/st63 larva.

(J) Quantification of WISH expressed as a percentage of larvae with each mbp PLLn phenotype at 4 dpf. Asterisks indicate a significant decrease of “strong” expression. p < 0.05, p < 0.01, Fisher’s exact test. Control, pooled uninjected and phenol red-injected.

(K–N) TEM of 3 dpf zebrafish PLLn. Sorted and myelinated axons are defined and pseudocolored as in Figure 1. The scale bar represents 1 µm.

(K and L) Myelination proceeds normally in a control-injected gpr126+/+ sibling (K), but radial sorting and myelination are reduced with 5 ng MO in gpr126+/st63 (L).

(M and N) Myelination is reduced in a gpr126st63/st63 hypomorph (M), and is further reduced in a gpr126st63/st63 sibling injected with 5 ng MO (N).

(O–Q) Quantification of TEM images. Bars represent means ± SD. p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s multiple comparisons test.

(O) Number of sorted axons per PLLn.

(P) Number of myelinated axons per PLLn.

(Q) Number of total axons per PLLn.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Day 4

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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