Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-150420-28
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- Heermann et al., 2015 - Eye morphogenesis driven by epithelial flow into the optic cup facilitated by modulation of bone morphogenetic protein
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BMP antagonism drives neuroepithelial flow during optic cup formation. (A) whole mount in situ hybridization for fsta (NBT/BCIP) (17.5 hpf). (B) GFP expressed in the optic vesicle (arrows) of an rx2::GFPcaax zebrafish embryo (16.5 hpf), (C–D) GFP driven by the BRE and transmission/brightfield image for orientation. Strong GFP expression can be observed in the eye when BMP is driven under rx2 (arrows in D), whereas only mild GFP can be observed in controls (arrows in C). (E) Scheme showing the orientation of the pictures presented in F, (F) optic cup development over time of an rx2::BMP4 embryo. Cells are visualized by nuclear GFP (H2BGFP). A dotted line is indicating the border between lens-averted and lens-facing epithelium. Remarkably, the pan-ocular driven BMP resulted in persisting lens-averted domains. The data presented in F are derived from 4D imaging data (start at 16.6 hpf) one optical section is also presented as Video 6. |