Fig. 5
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-150409-4
- Publication
- Ivanova et al., 2015 - The secreted factor Ag1 missing in higher vertebrates regulates fins regeneration in Danio rerio
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TUNEL assay of apoptosis in the regenerating caudal fins injected with Vivo MO. (A and A′). Revealing by TUNEL assay of apoptotic nuclei in regenerating part (framed by red dashed line) of the non-injected side of the caudal fin at 3dpa. Scale bar 500µm. (B and B′). Revealing by TUNEL assay of apoptotic nuclei in regenerating part (framed by red dashed line) of the side of caudal fin injected by DAg1Vivo MO at 3dpa. White arrows indicate traces of FLD co-injected with MO. Scale bar 500µm. (C). Quantification of TUNEL-labeled nuclei in the regenerating parts (regenerates) of caudal fins non-injected and injected by DAg1 Vivo MO. |