Fig. 6

Samson et al., 2013 - 3-OST-7 regulates BMP-dependent cardiac contraction
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Fig. 6

3-OST-7 regulates cardiac contraction by constraining BMP signaling.

(A) Tg(hs:bmp2b) heterozygotes were crossed to wild-type zebrafish and embryos were either untreated (no hs) or heat-shocked at 12 hpf. Embryos in each group were scored for ventricular contraction, and then genotyped for presence of heat-shock transgene. Graph depicts percentage contraction of embryos with transgene (green) or without (blue) in each treatment group. Induction of BMP signaling led to ventricular noncontraction. (B) bmp4st72 heterozygotes were crossed and embryos were either uninjected or injected with 3-OST-7 MO. Embryos in each group were scored for ventricular noncontraction, and then genotyped for bmp4 mutation (RE, digestion with SpeI). Graph depicts percentage contraction of each genotypic class in uninjected embryos (blue) or embryos injected with 3-OST-7 MO (red). Ventricular noncontraction was rescued in 3-OST-7 morphants by bmp4st72 mutation.

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