Fig. S5
Expression of Fgf pathway members after Dkk overexpression, related to Figure 5. (A-F) Lateral view of hsdkk1::GFP (B,D,F) embryos or WT siblings (A,C,E) heat-shocked at 8 (A-D) or 6 (E,F) somites, fixed 1.5 h (A-D) or 3.8 h (E,F) phs and hybridized with fgf3 (A,B), fgfr1 (C,D) or fgf8 (E,F) probes. Arrowhead shows domain of reduced fgf8 expression in mid-hindbrain boundary. (G-J) Dorsal view of flat mounted PSM of hsdkk1::GFP (H,J) or WT siblings (G,I) heat-shocked at 8 somites, fixed 3 h phs and hybridized with pea3 (G,H) or erm (I,J) probes. Dashed outline indicates domain of expression elevated in hsdkk1 embryos. |