Wnt target gene expression is reduced four to five somites after heat shock. (A-D,H-K) Dorsal view of flat-mounted PSM from hsdkk1::GFP (B,D,I,K) or WT siblings (A,C,H,J) heat shocked at five (A-D) or six (H-K) somites, fixed 1.5 (A,B), 1.75 (H,I) or 3 (C,D,J,K) hours phs and hybridized with spt (A-D) or msgn1 (H-K) riboprobes. (E,F,L,M) Average intensity profile for spt (E,F) and msgn1 (L,M) along the A/P axis. (G) Normalized logEC50 calculated from fitting plots of spt intensity profile at successive time points. (N) Maximum intensity of msgn1 normalized to hsWT dynamic range at successive time points. Mean ± s.d. *P<0.01, **P<0.001. Scale bars: 50 µm.