Fig. 6

Thisse et al., 1999 - Antivin, a novel and divergent member of the TGFß superfamily, negatively regulates mesoderm induction
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Fig. 6

Activin βB rescues the Antivin-mediated deletion of mesoderm. (A-D) Expression of gsc, an anteroaxial mesodermal marker in a wild-type control embryo in A and in embryos injected with increasing doses of activin bB RNA, 20 fg (B), 80 fg (C) or 300 fg (D). (E-H) Expression of shh, a marker of posterior-axial mesoderm, in a wild-type control (E) and in embryos (F-H) injected with the same increasing doses of activin βB. (I) Expression of gsc at the end of gastrulation in an atvinjected embryo. Ectodermal expression of gsc is present while prechordal plate mesodermal expression is absent. (J-L) Coinjection of activin βB has no effect at 20 fg while, at higher doses, the prechordal plate expression of gsc is rescued or even exaggerately induced. (M) atv-injected embryos do not express shh. (N-P) Coinjection of increasing doses of activin βB progressively rescues or even strongly induced shh expression. e, ectodermal expression of gsc; pm, prechordal mesoderm. Scale bar: 200 μm.

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