Shroom3 overexpression counteracts the loss of rosettes induced by FGFR inhibitor treatment. (A-H′′) Images of the pLLP in heat-shocked non-transgenic siblings (A-B′,E-F′), hsp70l:shr3v1-tagRFP (C-D′′) or hsp70l:shr3v2-tagRFP (G-H′′) zebrafish embryos treated with DMSO (A,C,E,G) or with 5 μM SU5402 for 4 hours (B,D,F,H). Treatment with 5 μM of SU5402 for 4 hours leads to a loss of apically constricted rosettes (compare B,F with A,E). Induction of shr3v1 (C,D) or shr3v2 (G,H) expression upon heat-shock blocks the loss of rosettes induced by SU5402 treatment (D,H). (I,J) Boxplots displaying the quantification of this experiment by the rosette detector for shr3v1 (I) and shr3v2 (J). Arrowheads indicate centres of apically constricted rosettes. Scale bars: 50 μm.