Fig. 7

Fior et al., 2012 - The differentiation and movement of presomitic mesoderm progenitor cells are controlled by Mesogenin 1
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Fig. 7

Loss of Msgn1 affects somite number and size. Somite numbers and somite size in wt zebrafish embryos (blue and light blue), msgn1-/- single mutants, spt+/-;msgn1-/- double mutants and msgn1MO-injected embryos (colours as indicated in E-I), fixed at 36 hours postfertilisation and measured after staining by in situ hybridisation with cb1045 to show somite boundaries. (A) Distribution of the total number of somites in the different genotypes. The peak of the distribution is at 32 somites for wt, 33 somites for msgn1MO, 33 somites for msgn1-/-, and 34/35 somites for spt+/-;msgn1-/-. (B) The mean (±s.d.) number of somites for each genotype. *P<0.01, **P<0.005, ***P<0.0005, versus wt; t-test. (C) Size of somites as a function of position along the A/P body axis in msgn1MO morphants and wt siblings. (D) The mean (±s.d.) somite size in msgn1MO morphants and wt siblings. (E-I) Representative stained embryos of each genotype. The red dot in each case marks the thirtieth somite; black dots mark somites posterior to this.

Expression Data
Knockdown Reagent:
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Prim-25

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Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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