Fig. S4
Generation of a reporter transgenic line for isl1. (A) An expression cassette containing the GalFF gene >[42] and kanamycin resistance gene was inserted by recombineering into BAC CH211-219F7 at the ATG site of the 1st exon of the isl1 gene. The site of recombineering is approximately 40 kb inside the BAC sequence, minimizing any risk of loss of isl1 regulatory sequences. The recombined BAC was then injected in a tg(UAS:GFP) background [1] to obtain the fluorescent Isl1 expression reporter line Tg(Isl1BAC:GalFF; UAS:GFP). (B) GFP expression pattern of the Tg(Isl1BAC:GalFF; UAS:GFP) line at 3 dpf. (C) Isl1 ISH on WT embryo at 3 dpf. The expression pattern of GFP, reporting for isl1 expression, in the Tg(isl1BAC:GalFF; UAS:GFP) is validated by comparison with the isl1 ISH. Especially visible are the identical expression pattern in the eyes and hindbrain. |