Red fluorescent protein (RFP) expression in the appais22Gt gene trap line. A–G,I: Fluorescence images of live Appais22Gt; Tg(flk1:moesin-gfp)is1 embryos. A: Appa-RFP was detected throughout the veins and weakly in CNS and neural tube in 34 hours post fertilization (hpf) embryos. B: Enlargement of boxed area in (A) shows RFP fluorescence in the caudal vein and intersegmental vessels. C–F: Appa-RFP localization at 32 hpf embryos in the trunk (C,D) and the head (E,F). Appa-RFP fluorescence overlaps with GFP expression in endothelial cells in the veins (C,E), but not the arterial vessels (MTA, PPrA, LDA marked with yellow arrows in E). H: Immunolocalization with anti-RFP antibody shows Appa-RFP is localized to the caudal vein but absent from the dorsal aorta. G,I: Confocal images of cross-section through the trunk of a 36 hpf embryo shows Appa-RFP accumulation in the posterior caudal vein. CCV, common cardinal vein; CV, caudal vein; LDA, lateral dorsal aorta; MCeV, midcerebral vein; MtA, metencephalic artery; NT, neural tube; PHBC, primordial hindbrain channel; PPrA, primitive prosencephalic artery. Scale bars = 20 μm in C,D, 50 μm in E–I.