Fig. S7

Dworkin et al., 2012 - Midbrain-hindbrain boundary patterning and morphogenesis are regulated by diverse grainy head-like 2-dependent pathways
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Fig. S7

grhl2b mRNA fails to rescue the fgf8 MO-induced ace phenotype. (A-D) Expression of grhl2b in MO:fgf8-injected embryos at 14 hpf in lateral (A,B) or flatmount dorsal (C,D) views. Red arrows, olfactory placode; white arrows otic vesicles and lateral neural crest. No significant differences are seen in the abundance or intensity of grhl2b staining. (E,F) The ace phenotype induced by the fgf8 MO in the absence (E) and presence (F) of grhl2b mRNA. (G,H) Q-RT-PCR shows that expression of grhl2b in the MHB region of fgf8-morphants at 18 hpf (G) or 24 hpf (H) is unchanged. (I) Q-RT-PCR shows that expression of fgf8 in the MHB region of grhl2-morphants at 24 hpf is unchanged.

Expression Data

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