Activation of Notch signaling maintains taste bud Calb2b+ but not 5HT+ cells. (A) Heatshock treatment in HsNicd siblings. (B-G) Embryonic stage and scale bar are in the bottom left-hand corner and marker expression is in the bottom right-hand corner. Anterior is towards the left. Ventral views of whole-mounted larvae heads. Asterisks indicate taste buds in the lips. Note the absence of 5HT (C) and maintenance of Calb2b (E) and miR-200b (G) expression in the Hsnicd-expressing embryos compared with wild-type (heatshocked) siblings. Hsnicd embryos were identified by anti-myc (red, C,E) immunohistochemistry or genotyped after in situ hybridization (G). Scale bars: 12 μm. b1-b5, branchial arches 1-5; e, eye; h, hyoid arch; m, mandibular arch; nm, neuromast; oe, olfactory epithelium.