rumba encodes a novel zinc finger protein. (A) The zebrafish rumba gene is mapped to a 184 kb region between two SSLP markers O82105 (17 recombinants in 1717 rumbahkz1-/- embryos) and L25805 (1 recombinant in 1717 rumbahkz1-/- embryos) in the LG16. This 184 kb region, covered by BAC zC287M15, zC106k4, zC239E16 and zK67N17, contains four predicted genes: the ETS domain transcriptional repressor PE1, a novel HMG protein, GSK-3α and the novel zinc finger protein. (B) The rumba gene consists of seven exons and a C-to-T substitution occurs in exon 6 in rumbahkz1 mutants. (C-E) WISH shows cmyb expression in the CHT of a 5 dpf a wild-type embryo (C), a rumbahkz1-/- mutant embryo (D) and a rumbahkz1-/- mutant embryo injected with synthesized wild-type rumba RNA (E). This phenotype is representative of 21 out of 33 mutant embryos observed, as indicated. (F) Protein sequence analysis predicts that Rumba consists of 16 C2H2 zinc-finger domains. (G-I) DAPI staining (G) and immunostaining with anti-Rumba antibody (H) reveals that Rumba is located in the nucleus as indicated by the colocalization of Rumba and DAPI (I).