Expression of tnnc1a, tnnc1b, and tnnc2 mRNA in zebrafish. A, B: The zebrafish tnnc1a gene is expressed throughout the heart of wild-type zebrafish embryos at 30 hpf, indicated by arrows. C: By 50 hpf, tnnc1a expression is predominantly restricted to the ventricle (v) of wild-type hearts and excluded from the atrium (a). The tnnc1a gene is expressed in cardiac tissue (indicated by the arrow) at both 30 hpf (D) and 50 hpf (D′). The second cTnC gene in zebrafish (tnnc1b) is detected predominantly in skeletal muscle (indicated by arrows) at 30 hpf (E) with decreased expression by 50 hpf (E′). The sTnC gene in zebrafish (tnnc2) is expressed in skeletal muscle (indicated by arrows) at both 30 hpf (F) and 50 hpf (F′).