Conserved and redundant roles of zebrafish Grip1/2 proteins. Lateral views of embryos stained by in situ hybridisation with probes against grip1 (A) and grip2 (B,C) at 2-cell stage (B) and 24 hpf (A,C). grip1 is expressed in the fin fold (A) whilst grip2 is broadly expressed at 24 hpf (C). grip2 is maternally deposited in a vegetal domain (B). (D–G) Lateral views of an uninjected WT embryo (D) or embryos injected with morpholinos against grip1 (E), grip2 (F) or both grip1 and grip2 (G) at 32 hpf, demonstrating that whilst grip2 can fully compensate for loss of grip1 function in fin fold integrity (E), loss of grip2 alone (F), or combined loss of both proteins (G) generates moderate to severe fin fold blistering respectively.