Notch reporter expression overlaps with the 2F11 epitope in developing intrahepatic biliary cells. Whole mount confocal images through the liver of developing Notch reporter larvae stained with the 2F11 antibody (A-C) and a GFP antibody (A′-C′) with overlap of the two markers (A″-C″). GFP-positive biliary epithelia are first detected at 45 hpf (A′). At this stage, there is strong 2F11 expression in the gallbladder (g), extrahepatic duct (ed), and in a few liver parenchymal cells (l). Only partial overlap between GFP and 2F11 is seen in the liver at this stage. GFP-positive cells are detected in the pancreas. From 50-70 hpf, there is a progressive increase in the number of GFP-positive cells. At 50 hpf, there is significant overlap between the GFP and 2F11 epitopes in the biliary cells. At 70 hpf, there is nearly complete overlap between these markers in the biliary cells. The gallbladder and extrahepatic duct remain GPF-negative at all stages. The pancreatic ductal network is also GFP-positive (p).