Fig. 8

Ma et al., 2009 - Mosaic hoxb4a neuronal pleiotropism in zebrafish caudal hindbrain
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Fig. 8

Clonal analysis by single cell injection.

(A–B, E–F, I) Composite dorsal views from 165 μm (A–B), 170 μm (E–F) and 130 μm (I) confocal stacks showing progenitors from a single cell injected during the gastrula period (red) and hoxb4a-YFP (green). (C–D, G–H, J–K) Single plane high magnification images showing the progenitor cells and hoxb4a-YFP expression. Arrowheads point to the co-labeled cells. Arrows in F mark the processes (dendrite/axon) extending from the neurons at 2 dpf. Anterior is to the left. Dashed lines marked the midline. Scale bars = 10 μm.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

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