Interaction of gata5 and gata6 with scl/lmo2 and etsrp. (A) Scl/lmo2 mRNA can rescue both blood (pu1), and endothelium (fli1 and etsrp) development in gata5 and gata6 morphants at the 5 somite stage. By contrast, etsrp overexpression can rescue fli1 but not pu1 expression in gata5 and gata6 morphants. All views are anterior. N.D., not determined. (B) Proposed model for gata5 and gata6 function within the anterior haemangioblast. gata5 and gata6 are required for etsrp and scl expression in the haemangioblast. gata5 and gata6 overexpression can induce scl and pu1 expression, which drives the myeloid lineage, whereas endothelium cannot be induced by gata5 and gata6 mRNA (see Fig. 2). Furthermore, the head vasculature eventually recovers (see Fig. S4A in the supplementary material), suggesting the existence of an unknown GATA-independent signal (X).