fbn2 expression in frozen sections (A-C), and at high-power magnification in a whole-mount specimen (D). A: Cross-section through the head of a wild-type embryo at the 20-somite stage demonstrating fbn2 expression in the lens placodes (arrowheads). B: Cross-section through the trunk of a wild-type embryo at the 20-somite stage demonstrating fbn2 expression in the notochord (n), floor plate (arrow), hypochord (arrowhead), and paraxial mesoderm (p). C: Cross-section through the trunk of a wild-type embryo at 24 hours postfertilization (hpf) demonstrating fbn2 expression in the hypochord (arrow) and fin fold (arrowheads). The plane of section is schematized for A-C. D: Dorsal view of a wild-type embryo at 24 hpf demonstrating fbn2 expression in two parallel lines of fin fold cells.