The gene trap and enhancer trap constructs and the UAS reporter system. The Tol2 vector sequences are shown as thick black lines. (A) The structures of T2KhspGGFF, T2KhspGGFF, and T2KSAGFF. (B) The UAS:GFP reporter fish carries a single-copy insertion of T2KUASGFP within a gene encoding a homolog of Nedd4-binding protein 1. Blue boxes indicate exons. (C) The UAS:RFP reporter fish carries a single-copy insertion of T2ZUASRFP within a gene encoding a solute carrier protein homolog. Blue boxes indicate exons. (D and E) The hspGGFF1B embryos before (D) and after (E) heat shock. (F and G) The hspGGFF1B;UAS:GFP embryos before (F) and after (G) heat shock. (H and I) The hspGGFF1B;UAS:RFP embryos before (H) and after (I) heat shock.