Effect of survivin knock-down was gene-specific. (a-d): Injection of 5'UTR-survivin:GFP plasmids gave rise to green fluorescence in a mosaic pattern in 79.7 ± 9.4% (a, c) which was totally abolished by co-injection with SurUTR+ATG-MO (b, d). (e): Uninjected Tg(fli1:EGFP)y1 embryos at 48 hpf. (f): Defective sprouting of inter-segmental vessels, similar to those seen in SurUTR+ATGMO embryos, could be recapitulated by injecting embryos with survivin morpholino targeting the splice-site junction (g). (h): Molecular targeting was confirmed using RT-PCR showing survivin gene in injected embryos contained a larger transcript compared with uninjected ones. (i-k): Defective angiogenesis in SurUTR+ATGMO embryos could be rescued by co-injecting with survivin mRNA. (i): Uninjected embryos. (j): SurUTR+ATGMO embryos. (k): SurUTR+ATGMO embryos co-injected with survivin mRNA. (i): Histogram showing average number of embryos with normal inter-segmental vessels (ISV) in three separate experiments. All embryos were oriented anterior (left) to posterior (right).