
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
sq5717 foxj1a
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR4-foxj1a
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR4-foxj1a
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR4-foxj1a
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
olfactory pit ab1-tuba labeling absent, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory pit decreased size, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory pit lacks all parts of type multi-ciliated epithelial cell motile cilium, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
ciliated olfactory receptor neuron non-motile cilium assembly decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium decreased size, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
multi-ciliated epithelial cell differentiation decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
brain motile cilium absence of anatomical entity, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 5 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
olfactory epithelium cnga4 expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium ciliated olfactory receptor neuron poorly differentiated, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium has fewer parts of type ciliated olfactory receptor neuron 9+2 non-motile cilium, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
multi-ciliated epithelial cell motile cilium assembly decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 2 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium ompb expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig 3 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
sensory perception of smell decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg chemical treatment by environment: bile acid Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
olfactory epithelium GCaMP expression decreased amount, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg chemical treatment by environment: bile acid Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
sensory perception of smell decreased process quality, abnormal foxj1asq5717/sq5717; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719; jf4Tg control Fig 4 with image from Rayamajhi et al., 2024
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/+; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/+; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/+ standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/+ standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column rotational curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021
vertebral column increased curvature, abnormal foxj1asq5717/+; gmncsq34/sq34; foxj1bsq5719/sq5719 standard conditions Fig. 7 with image from D'Gama et al., 2021