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GO: Cellular Component

methionine-importing ABC transporter complex

Term ID
  • ATP-binding cassette (ABC) methionine importer complex
  • ATP-dependent methionine importer complex
  • ATP-dependent methionine importing complex
  • ATP-dependent methionine-importing complex
  • methionine transport complex
  • methionine transporter
  • methionine transporter complex
  • methionine transporter complex, ATP-dependent
  • MetNI complex
  • MetNI transport complex
  • MetNI transporter
  • MetNI transporter complex
  • MetNIQ complex
  • MetNIQ transport complex
  • MetNIQ transporter
  • MetNIQ transporter complex
An ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex that is capable of methionine-importing activity. An example is the bacterial MetNIQ methionine transporter, that consists of the dimeric ATPase subunit MetN located at the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane and the dimeric transmembrane subunit MetI. MetQ is regarded as the periplasmic methionine-binding chaperon subunit, and is capable of transporting methionine from the periplasm into the cytoplasm in an ATP-dependent manner. 22095702
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