ZFIN ID: ZDB-GENE-070521-2

Mapping Details

Gene Name: AT hook containing transcription factor 1
Symbol: ahctf1
Genome Browser Chr Position Assembly
ZFIN JBrowse 17 12,221,902 - 12,249,990 GRCz11
Ensembl 17 12,221,902 - 12,249,990 GRCz11
Vega 17 12,067,836 - 12,095,924 GRCv10
NCBI Map Viewer 17 12,221,473 - 12,249,963 GRCz11
Mapped Clones containing ahctf1
DKEY-3I24 Chr: 17 Details
RP71-84D9 Chr: 17 Details
Feature Chr Position Assembly Citations
sa664 17 12,236,838 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,082,772 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,100,250 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa9115 17 12,237,095 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,083,029 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,100,507 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa23014 17 12,237,100 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,083,034 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,100,512 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa28817 17 12,227,753 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,073,687 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,091,165 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
sa32129 17 12,229,465 GRCz11 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,075,399 GRCz10 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
17 12,092,877 Zv9 Busch-Nentwich et al., 2013
ti262c 17 12,227,705 GRCz11 Davuluri et al., 2008
tsu13i7d 17 12,241,634 - 12,241,640 GRCz11 Zebrafish Nomenclature Committee
tsu14i1d 17 12,241,638 GRCz11 Shen et al., 2022


Markers Encoded by ahctf1
fa02e01 Chr: 17 Details
wz11290 Chr: 17 Details
Genomic Feature ti262c is an allele of ahctf1
Chr Location Mapped As Panel Mapped By Scoring
14 71.1 cM ti262c Boston MGH Cross (MGH) Geisler, Robert Data
Note: Physical map location as displayed in the genome browsers is more precise than linkage map location.
Physical map location should be used whenever possible.
Genomic Feature ti262c is an allele of ahctf1
Marker Type Chr Distance Publication / Person Comments
z24006 SSLP 17 Davuluri et al., 2008 Davuluri et al. (2008.PLoS Genet. 4(10): e1000240) report mapping elys to LG  ...
z24082 SSLP 17 Davuluri et al., 2008 Davuluri et al. (2008.PLoS Genet. 4(10): e1000240) report mapping elys to LG  ...
z54789 SSLP 17 Davuluri et al., 2008 Davuluri et al. (2008.PLoS Genet. 4(10): e1000240) report mapping elys to LG  ...
Genomic Feature ti262c is an allele of ahctf1
Chr 17 Davuluri et al., 2008 Davuluri et al. (2008.PLoS Genet. 4(10): e1000240) report mapping elys to LG 17, between SSLP  ...