Fig 4
Temporal chemical inhibition of opioid receptors induces ENS developmental defects in zebrafish larvae.
(A) Tg(-8.3phox2bb:Kaede) embryos were exposed at 48 hpf for 48 hpe (hours post exposure) with the opioid inhibitors, LY2940094, curcumin and DADLE, all of them at 10 μM. (B-E) Confocal images reveal fluorescent labeled ENCCs/ENs along the gut in larvae that were treated with DMSO, LY2940094, curcumin and DADLE, respectively. Inhibitor-treated larvae show a reduction of Kaede+ cells, compared with the DMSO control (F) Cell counts of Kaede cells via Imaris, ≥ 3 experiments with 3 biological replicates, mean +/- SEM, ANOVA P value ****: < 0.0001, ***: < 0.0004. Dashed purple lines surround the gut. Number of fluorescent ENCCs and/or ENs along the gut from the different gene crispants.
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