Figure 3

Figures for Witkamp et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Lithium induces more pronounced polydipsia in WT than in 2b4he2b5ho mutant mice. WT (circles) and 2b4he2b5ho mutant (VWM; squares) mice were i.p. injected with placebo (black) or 200 mg/kg lithium (blue) (n = 8 per treatment, per genotype). Water intake (ml/g) is shown per cage housing two mice (individual and mean values, +/− SEM). Statistical analysis was performed with a mixed-effects model with post-hoc Tukey’s multiple comparison test (Supplementary Data Sheet S1). ****p < 0.0001; placebo-lithium differences: ____, WT-VWM difference: ----. Raw data are in Supplementary Data Sheet S2.

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