Fig. 2

Figures for Li et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Landscape of the eosinophilic cell lineage.

A Design of the scRNA-Seq analysis. Adult Tg(eslec:eGFP) kidneys were dissected and pipette-mixed into cell suspensions. The eGFP+ cells were sorted and stained with May-Giemsa to check their morphologies (bar = 10 μm, two independent experiments were conducted). Finally, the eslec:eGFP+ cells were applied to scRNA-Seq analysis. B UMAP showing that all analyzed cells were eslec+. C UMAP showing the cell cycle status of KM eosinophilic cells. D UMAP showing the clustering information of KM eosinophilic cell. E Monocle3-trajectory of the eosinophil lineage. Pseudotime status of eosinophils were calculated with Monocle3. F Velocity-trajectory of the eosinophil lineage. RNA velocity stream plot shows the directional flow of eosinophils. G Model of the eosinophilic cell lineage. The KM eosinophils are sub-clustered into three stages, namely EoP (eslec+mcm2+pcna+), pre.Eos (eslec+agr2highpdia2high), and mat.Eos (eslec+fcer1glhighcxcr4bhigh).

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