Fig 9

Figures for Maung Ye et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig 9 Hemodynamic alterations arising from network mispatterning in PlxnD1 model

(see S11 Movie). (A) Spatial distribution map of RBC trajectories/velocities at systolic peak. Dashed lines indicate arterial-venous shunts that bypass DLAV connections in the ISV network. (B) The flux bypass in ISV-DLAV network in PlxnD1 versus the ISV-DLAV network in WT. (C) Comparison of the time-averaged RBC flow rate in ISVs between WT and PlxnD1 models. (D) WSS spatial distribution map in WT (Di) and PlxnD1 (Dii) network models. Red bold lines in Dii indicate low-WSS dead flow regions. (E) Comparison of the ventral (i) and dorsal (ii) levels of systolic peak WSS between WT and PlxnD1 aISVs, the ventral (iii) and dorsal (iv) levels of systolic peak WSS between WT and PlxnD1 vISVs. Statistical comparisons in E and F were performed using unpaired two-tailed t test. **, p < 0.01; ****, p < 0.0001.

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