Fig. 2

Figures for Keseroglu et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Gene expression in mutants are stochastic.

ac smFISH was performed at 12–14 somite stage to count her1 (cyan) and her7 (red) transcription in wild-type (a), her1ci302 (b), and her7hu2526 (c) embryos raised at 23 °C. Scale bar is 100 µm. Yellow stars mark her1 and her7 genes carrying point mutations causing premature stop codons. d The spatial Pearson correlation scores of her1 and her7 in wild-type (dark gray, n = 31, N = 3), her1ci302 (gray, n = 14, N = 2), and her7hu2526 (light gray, n = 29, N = 2) embryos. *P = 0.0157 (wild-type versus her1ci302), ****P = 0.2146 × 10−5 (wild-type versus her7hu2526), P = 0.7243 (her1ci302 versus her7hu2526), Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA with Dunn’s multiple-comparison correction. ns, not significant. Black lines show the mean of data in the scatter dot plot. n is the number of embryos; N is the number of independent experiments. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

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