Figure 8

Figures for Ramachandran et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 8

Rescue experiments assessing reproductive success in female avp-/- fish following single 1x acute (A, B) or 3x repeated i.p. injections (every 3 d) (C, D) of physiological saline or 1 μg/g vasotocin prior to breeding assays with WT males. For the 1x acute injection experiment, n=15 avp-/- females were injected with physiological saline, and n=15 with 1 μg/g vasotocin prior to breeding assays with WT males. For the 3x repeated injection experiment, n=9 avp -/- females were injected with physiological saline, and n=8 avp -/- females were injected with 1 μg/g vasotocin prior to breeding assays with WT males. (A, C) Percentage of successful breeding pairs. (B, D) Median number of fertilized eggs of avp-/- fish used in breeding assays following i.p. injection of physiological saline or 1 μg/g 1 μg/g vasotocin. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact test and Mann-Whitney U test, respectively, and significant differences at P<0.05 are indicated by asterisk.

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