Figure 5

Figures for Zilliox et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 5

Live imaging after IR irradiation

(A and B) Left, image showing the IR laser target area (17 μm radius circle in the middle of the telencephalon) at 12 hpf and Right, imaging over time from 12 hpf to 24 hpf in a (A) Tg(cldnb:lyn-GFP), control, or (B) Tg(cldnb:lyn-GFP); Tg(hsp:mCherry-Cxcl12a) double transgenic embryos. Scale bar represents 100 μm.

(C and D) Plot profiles of mCherry-Cxcl12a expression (Gray value) visualized in (A-B, dashed white rectangle) respectively using Fiji.

(E) Visualization of mCherry-Cxcl12a activation at 16 hpf using the Imaris “Surface” tool. The picture in Figure 5B at 16 hpf was used to represent mCherry-Cxcl12a expression. mCherry-Cxcl12a surface is shown in yellow and cldnb:lyn-GFP expression in green.

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