Figure 4

Figures for Altbürger et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 4

HCR RNA-FISH does not reveal coexpression of catecholaminergic markers except th in GFP+ cells in the midbrain and rostral hindbrain. (A–E”') Whole mount HCR RNA-FISH for th (magenta), slc6a3 (cyan), dbh (cyan), slc18a2 (cyan), and ddc (cyan) in comparison with GFP in thm1512Tg(2AQF2); Tg(QUASr:GFP)c403 larvae at 120 hpf. Dorsal views of z-projections (B–B”') or single planes (A–A”', A1–A3, C–C”, D–E”'). Anterior is to the left. (A–A”') Expression of th and slc6a3 in comparison with GFP in the pretectum, midbrain, and hindbrain. The dashed box indicates GFP+ cells in the midbrain. (A1–A3) Magnification of the cell marked by the dashed box showing GFP in comparison with th expression. (B–B”') Expression of th and dbh in comparison with GFP in the pretectum, midbrain, and rostral hindbrain. (C–C”) Comparison of GFP with th expression in the rostral hindbrain close to the midbrain–hindbrain boundary, more dorsally than (A–A”'). (C1–C3) Magnification of rHb cells marked by a dashed box in (C”). (D–D”') Expression of th and slc18a2 in comparison with GFP expression in the midbrain. (E–E”') Comparison of GFP expression with th and ddc in the pretectum, midbrain, and rostral hindbrain close to the midbrain–hindbrain boundary. Scale bars: (A) 50 μm; (A1) 10 μm; (C1) 10 μm. For better representation of low and high signal intensities, non-linear adjustments were made to whole image panels (see Section 2.8). LC, locus coeruleus; Mb, midbrain; MHB, midbrain–hindbrain boundary; Pr, pretectum; rHb, rostral hindbrain.

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