Figure 2

Figures for Altbürger et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 2

QF2-driven GFP expression highly coincides with endogenous Th. (A–C”) Immunofluorescence staining for GFP (green) and Th (magenta) of a thm1512Tg(2AQF2); Tg(QUASr:GFP)c403 embryo at 96 hpf. Dorsal views of z-projections (A–A”, C–C”) or single focal planes (B–B”). Anterior is to the left. (A–C”) The expression of GFP and Th coincides in the pretectum (A–A”), telencephalon (B–B”), prethalamus, and hypothalamus (C–C”). The total z-stack volume of 198 focal planes and z-step of 1 μm with focal plane 1 being the most dorsal and focal plane 198 the most ventral. (A)z-projection from focal plane 1–53. (B) Confocal plane 76 (C)z-projection from focal plane 95–173. The asterisk in (C–C”) marks a GFP but not Th-immunoreactive cell at the telencephalic midline ventricular wall. (D, E) Immunofluorescence staining for GFP (green) and Th (magenta) of a thm1512Tg(2AQF2); Tg(QUASr:GFP)c403 embryo at 96 hpf with focus on GFP+ cells located in the midbrain (dashed boxes). Dorsal views of single focal planes. (D1–D3) Magnification of the marked cell in (D). (E1–E3) Magnification of the marked cell in (E). Scale bars: (A–C”, D, E) 100 μm; (D1, E1) 10 μm. For better representation of low and high signal intensities, non-linear adjustments were made to whole image panels (see Section 2.8). AC, amacrine cells; DAC1-6, dopaminergic cluster 1-6; Mb, midbrain; OB, olfactory bulb; Pr, pretectum; Sp, subpallium.

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