Fig. 3
(A and B) Myd88 and pycard mutations (F0 CRISPR) inhibit early neutrophil recruitment to infected ears to a similar extent as hcar1–4mk214 −/− mutation does but without having an additive effect to the latter.
(C and D) Unlike the hcar1–4mk214 −/− mutation, lta4h and ltb4r F0 CRISPR mutations do not inhibit early neutrophil recruitment to infected ears. Violin plot points denote counts of Sudan-black-stained neutrophils in individual larvae. Violin plots lines denote first quartiles (top line), medians (middle line), and third quartiles (bottom line). **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001; n.s., p > 0.05; Student’s t test (two tailed, two sample unequal variance test). Parentheses, total number of injected larvae.
See also Figure S4.